What's on?
Tuesday 25 February
A talk by David Millum on Barcombe Mills Roman Town.
As a follow-up to his talk in 2022 on the archaeological dig at Barcombe Mills, David will give us an update on the dig and the recent finds. 8pm in the Village Hall. Free to Maresfield Historical Society members, £3 for non-members.
Saturday 8 March
MCG Annual Quiz Night
Maresfield Village Hall. 6:30pm for 7pm. £8 per head - bring your own food. To book contact Ian Shaw: ian@andrewmilton.co.uk
Tuesday 25 March
A talk by Chris Horlock on Sussex Ruins, Relics and Remains
The MHS welcomes back Chris for what should be a very interesting talk. 8pm in the Village Hall. Free to Maresfield Historical Society members, £3 for non-members.
Saturday 12 April
Spring Clean Maresfield
SPRING LITTER PICKING: "Clean Up Our Village" 10am to 2pm. Meet in the Maresfield Church car park. We will supply rubbish sacks, litter pickers and hi-viz jackets. Please bring your own gloves. All welcome!
Tuesday 22 April
A talk by Helen Poole on Elizabethan Sussex
Helen makes a welcome return to tell us about our own county of Sussex in Elizabethan times. 8pm in the Village Hall. Free to Maresfield Historical Society members, £3 for non-members.
Tuesday 17 June
MCG Annual General Meeting
The Conservation Group Annual General Meeting will be held in the village hall at 19:30 on Tuesday 17th June 2025. All members are most welcome.
June or July - date to be confirmed
MCG Summer Cheese and Wine Evening
The MCG's annual cheese and wine evening will take place again this year in the garden of Newnham Cottage (adjacent to the Village Hall). 18:30 to 20:00 on a date to be confirmed